1918 - Rada Regencyjna powołała rząd Jana Kantego Steczkowskiego. 1919 - W Warszawie otwarto kabaret Qui Pro Quo. 1946 - Uchwalono ustawę o nacjonalizacji banków. 1946 - Spalenie przez UPA miast Bukowsko i Nowotaniec oraz wsi Nagórzany, ...
Jakub Pankiewicz was born in Nagorzanach, Poland, July 9, 1882. He was accepted by the Friars Minor in the Province of the Immaculate Conception in 1900. He made his solemn profession of vows on February 24, 1904, taking the name ...
Historiker * Nowotaniec with the village Nagorzany in Galicia, Sanok district, tax district Bukowsko; ewidencja gruntw; 1854; 1854. dalite 133 contour fixed In s autobiographical novel The Island of lost or wide journey of a man trying ...